General Motors Corp., Truck Group, Moraine Assembly Plant, Ohio
Mechanical, utility piping and HVAC systems for new sport utility vehicle assembly building.
Montgomery County Jail
Provided piping and other support work for a joint project with Orbit Sheet Metal to install an entirely new HVAC system.
Kettering City Schools
Installed a new HVAC chilled water system in one school and upgraded the plumbing system and fixtures in two schools.
Montgomery County Juvenile Justice Center
Installed the piping for the HVAC system in new building in joint project with Orbit Sheet Metal and installed all of the plumbing system and fixtures
Honda Transmission Plant
Installed chilled water, process, and compressed air piping in the plant addition.
Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio
Constructed new chiller room and installed a chilled water loop. Set all equipment including chillers, cooling tower and pumps with support of Orbit Movers.
VA Medical Center, Dayton, Ohio
Replaced aging steam lines.
University of Dayton
Replaced aging steam lines.
Dayton City Schools
Installed the plumbing systems and fixtures in the new Dunbar High School.